Stochastic techniques for the design of robust and efficient emission trading mechanisms

Jonas, M. ORCID:, White, T., Nahorski, Z., & Nilsson, S. (2007). Stochastic techniques for the design of robust and efficient emission trading mechanisms. In: IFIP/IIASA/GAMM Workshop on Coping with Uncertainty: Robust Decisions, 10-12 December 2007, Laxenburg, Austria.

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The assessment of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted to and removed from the atmosphere is highon both political and scientific agendas internationally. As increasing international concern and cooper- ation aim at policy-oriented solutions to the climate change problem, several issues have begun to arise regarding verification and compliance under both proposed and legislated schemes meant to reduce the human-induced global climate impact. The issues of concern are rooted in the level of confidence with which national emission assessments can be performed, as well as the management of uncertainty and its role in developing informed policy.
The approaches to addressing uncertainty that was discussed at the 2nd International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas Inventories 1 attempt to improve national inventories or to provide a basis for the standardization of inventory estimates to enable comparison of emissions and emission changes across countries. Some authors use detailed uncertainty analyses to enforce the current structure of the emissions trading system while others attempt to internalize high levels of uncertainty by tailoring the emissions trading market rules. In all approaches, uncertainty analysis is regarded as a key component of national GHG inventory analyses.
This presentation will provide an overview of the topics that are discussed among scientists at the aforementioned workshop to support robust decision making. These range from achieving and report- ing GHG emission inventories at global, national and sub-national scales; to accounting for uncertainty of emissions and emission changes across these scales; to bottom-up versus top-down emission analy- ses; to detecting and analyzing emission changes vis-a-vis their underlying uncertainties; to reconciling short-term emission commitments and long-term concentration targets; to dealing with verification, com- pliance and emissions trading; to communicating, negotiating and effectively using uncertainty.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gas emissions, uncertainty, robust decision making
Research Programs: Advanced Systems Analysis (ASA)
Ecosystems Services and Management (ESM)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 05 May 2017 07:37
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:28

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