Multiple Dimensions of Mediatised Translocal Social Practices. A Case Study of Domestic Migrants in Bangladesh

Sterly, H. & Sakdapolrak, P. (2021). Multiple Dimensions of Mediatised Translocal Social Practices. A Case Study of Domestic Migrants in Bangladesh. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 162 369-395. 10.1553/moegg162s369.

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In the past decades, migration and translocal forms of living, including the spatial separation of households and families, have become everyday reality for almost a billion people. At the same time, mobile information and communication technologies, and especially mobile phones, have spread rapidly and are now accessible for many, even in poorer contexts in the Global South. The article combines practice-theory with approaches from media studies to examine how these two large themes intersect. It shows how the adoption of mobile phones by rural-to-urban labour migrants in Bangladesh is changing their translocal social practices, discusses key reasons for these changes, and their implications for translocal livelihoods and lives.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bangladesh; Global South; Mediatisation; Migration; Mobile phone; Social practices; Translocality
Research Programs: Population and Just Societies (POPJUS)
Population and Just Societies (POPJUS) > Migration and Sustainable Development (MIG)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 12 Apr 2021 07:20
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:34

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