Harmonized livestock number dataset for Europe

Malek, Z. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6981-6708, Romanchuk, Z., Yashchun, O., & See, L. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2665-7065 (2024). Harmonized livestock number dataset for Europe. 10.5281/zenodo.11058508.

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This dataset comprises spatial and temporal data on ruminant livestock distributions on detailed spatial level. We collected statistics on cattle, sheep and goats distribution for 43 countries and territories in Europe: for 31 countries  and territories we collected data on the level of local administrative units, for 8 countries on regional level (NUTS 3), and on national level (NUTS 0) for 4 countries. We provide data for over 73 thousand administrative units, making them more detailed than publicly provided by the European Statistical Office (which reports data for 325 adminstrative units). The data are available for the periods corresponding to 2000, 2010 and 2020.

Harmonizing to livestock units:

We harmonized the data to livestock units (LSU), making them easy to use and compare between different countries and regions. We used livestock coefficients provided by EUROSTAT (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Livestock_unit_(LSU) ) to harmonize numbers of different livestock types, with more detail on the processing provided in the accompanying data_sources.xlsx file.File description:

The data-set consists of the following files:

a spreadsheet describing in detail the sources of data and how the data was processed (file data_sources.xlsx)

three geopackage files (archived as a zip file) for each year (2000, 2010, 2020) for harmonized ruminant livestock numbers for all 43 countries and territories (livestock2000.zip, livestock2010.zip, livestock2020.zip )

three geopackage files (archived as a zip file) for each year (2000, 2010, 2020) for sheep and goats for Poland (as the numbers are provided on a different level for these two livestock type for Poland) (poland_sheep_goats2000.zip , poland_sheep_goats2010.zip , poland_sheep_goats2020.zip )

a geopackage file (archived as a zip file) with (estimated) shares of cattle grazing for each country, in many cases for subnational units (grazing_share.zip )

Source information:

The raw data on livestock numbers are available from each country individually, and we provide the sources in the data_sources.xlsx file , to enable future updates.

This dataset has been created as part of LAMASUS Project under the scope of Deliverable 2.1 titled "The LUM Geodatabase and Area Estimates of Land Use Change to 2018 ". The full text of the deliverable can be accessed via: https://www.lamasus.eu/wp-content/uploads/LAMASUS_D2.1_LUMGeodatabase.pdf.

Item Type: Data
Additional Information: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Research Programs: Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA)
Advancing Systems Analysis (ASA) > Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability (NODES)
Depositing User: Luke Kirwan
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2025 09:55
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2025 05:00
URI: https://pure.iiasa.ac.at/20243

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