Marine systems analysis and modeling

Fedra, K. (1994). Marine systems analysis and modeling. Helgolaender Meeresuntersuchungen 49 (1) 617-632. 10.1007/BF02368387.

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Oceanography and marine ecology have a considerable history in the use of computers for modeling bothphysical and ecological processes. With increasing stress on the marine environment due to human activities such as fisheries and numerous forms of polltion, the analysis of marine problems must increasingly and jointly consider physical, ecological and socio-economic aspects in a broader sstems framework that transcends more traditional disciplinary boundaries. This often introduces difficult-to-quantify, 'soft' elements, suh as values and perceptions, into formal analysis. Thuss, the problem domain combines a solid foundation in the physical sciences, with strong elements of ecologicl, socio-economic and political considerations. At the same time, the domain is also characterized by both a very large volume of some data, and an etremely datapoor situation for other variables, as well as a very high degree of uncertainty, partly due to the temporal and spatialheterogeneity of the marine environment. Consequently, marine systems analysis and management require tools that can integrate these diverse aspects into eficient information systems that can support research as well as planning and also policy- and decisionmaking processes. Supporting scientfic research, as well as decision-making processes and the diverse groups and actors involved, requires better access and direct understanding of the inormation basis as well as easy-to-use, but powerful tools for analysis. Advanced information technology provides the tools to dsign and implement smart software where, in a broad sense, the emphasis is on the man-machine interface. Symbolic and analogous, graphical intraction, visual representation of problems, ntegrated data sources, and built-in domain knowledge can effectively support users of complex and coplicated software systems. Integration, interaction visualization and intelligence are key concepts that are discussed in detail, using an operational sotware example of a coastal water quality model. The model comprises components of a geographical information and mapping system, data ases, dynamic simulation models, and an integrated expert system. An interactive graphical user interface, dynamic visualization of moel results, and a hyper-text-based help-and- explain system illustrate some of the features of new and powerful software tools for marine systems nalysis and modeling.

Item Type: Article
Research Programs: Advanced Computer Applications (ACA)
Depositing User: IIASA Import
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2016 02:03
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2021 17:35

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