The transport sector is a significant contributor to emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants, which impact climate, health and ecosystems. Transportation is of course also a crucial part of the tourism industry. The climate impact of transportation is complex and involves several mechanisms which cause both warming and cooling effects and operate on very different spatial and temporal scales. The various transport modes have significantly different emission characteristics, resulting in different climate impacts. In addition to the direct emissions from the transport modes, there can be large emissions from other transport related activities, such as production, building of infrastructure and transport of fuels. There is increasing focus on the necessity of considering the whole life-cycle of emissions from well-to-wheel. When comparing the transport modes, one can also consider the specific climate impact, i.e. the climate impact normalized by the transport work. This introduces additional challenges. Analysing and comparing the climate impacts of different transport modes thus involves making many choices related to timeframes, emissions, boundaries and indicators of climate impact. We present quantifications of climate effects and explore the impact of the various choices and approaches on the results. We show that different perspectives can give different answers, which in turn can affect mitigation policies.