Recent work has highlighted the scope for reductions of short-lived climates pollutants (SLCP) that yield significant benefits to human health and agricultural crops at the local scale while limiting temperature increase in the near-term [1,2]. Identified measures would achieve large cuts in emissions of CH4 and BC, but minimize further emission reductions of cooling aerosols, such as SO2, beyond what is already implied in current legislation. Climate policies, cutting emissions of several pollutants, would also bring important health benefits [3]. While implementation of measures addressing SLCP or specific climate polices would result, beyond climate benefits, in significant air quality and ecosystem improvements, they will not be sufficient to remediate all current air quality problems and achieve sustainable air quality around the world. Additional air quality measures will need to involve further reductions of cooling aerosols, such as SO2 emissions, which however will result in a clear climate dis-benefit, at least in the near term (Figure 1). The presentation will review available emissions scenarios for measures or policies that could compensate climate disbenefits of SO2 mitigation by co-controls of long-lived greenhouse gases.