This paper deals with the land allocation problem of finding a good locational pattern over time for various activities (such as different types of industries, agriculture, housing, `and recreation) within a region. A mathematical programming model is formulated to support long-range regional development studies at IIASA concerning the Malmo area (Sweden) and the Silistra region (Bulgaria). Estimates for the total volume of different activities within the region is assumed to be available (e.g., as econometric forecasts or in the framework of central planning). The problem is then to determine subregional development plans in order to meet the estimated volume for the activities, taking into account the initial situation as well as land available in the subregions. As criteria for evaluating alternative development paths we consider investment and operating costs, transportation and other communication costs, as well as some environmental aspects. While determining the investment and operating costs, economies of scale play an important role for certain activities. Formally, our model is a dynamic multicriteria optimization problem with integer variables and quadratic objective functions (which may be neither convex nor concave). A solution technique is proposed for this problem. The method, which relies heavily on the network flow structure of the set of constraints, is illustrated using a numerical example. Finally, the implementation of a plan is briefly discussed.