This paper aims to examine the relationships between social participation and disaster reduction actions. A survey of 557 households in tsunami-prone areas in Phang Nga, Thailand was conducted following the 2012 Indian Ocean earthquakes. We use a multivariate probit model to jointly estimate the likelihood of three responses to earthquake hazards, including keeping close watch of news, preparing survival kits and/or having a family evacuation plan, having an intention to migrate, and community participation. We find that those who experienced losses from the 2004 tsunami are more likely to participate in community activities and respond to earthquake hazards. Compared to men, women are more likely to prepare survival kits and/or have an emergency plan as well as have a greater intention to migrate. Individuals living in a community with a higher proportion of women with tertiary education also have a greater propensity to engage in community activities and carry out disaster reduction measures. The conditional probabilities of carrying out all three risk reduction actions for individuals who have participated in village-based activities are 5.2% higher compared to those not engaging in community activities. This implies that encouraging participation in community activities can have externalities in disaster mitigation, providing opportunities for community members to exchange information and experiences that may impact disaster responses at the individual level.