The Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDDR) will be held in Sendai City, Japan in March 2015, at which countries will adopt the post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction (hereafter informally called HFA2). UNISDR - in collaboration with leading experts in related fields - is developing a proposal for new system of DRM indicators, which will contribute to discussions on HFA2 and WCDRR. This initiative follows the fourth session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, held in May 2013 in which 3,500 participants from 172 countries called for an immediate start of work to be led by the UNISDR to develop targets and indicators to monitor the reduction of risk and the implementation of HFA2. The successor framework will address the challenges posed by increasing disaster risk. The development of effective monitoring system is crucial for building a successful post 2015 framework. The indicator system not only informs the need for continued monitoring on the key remaining issues of the HFA implementation, including the priority area of action 4 (reducing underlying risk factors), it will fundamentally shape the way international community understands and interprets the key challenges of disaster risk management agendas over the next 20-30 years. Also, the national level monitoring framework will likely inform local and community level DRM interventions, influencing the way we operationalize concepts such as disaster risk, vulnerability, resilience and its linkages with climate change and development goals. As the WCRR coincides with other important milestones of development and climate change agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-Kyoto framework for climate change mitigation and adaptation, finding a holistic yet focused and manageable set of indicators - or what some refer to as the Holy Grail - has been a key focus of discussion surrounding the development of new monitoring system.