European Union directives as well as national legislation are placing great emphasis on the inclusionof stakeholder perspectives in the governance of risks from natural hazards. This should help decision makers formulate better policies. However, to date, tere is little information on stakeholders. perspectives with respect to landslide risk governance. This paper addresses the gap by reporting on research in NoceraInferiore, Italy. The research is based on a documentary analysis, 43 semi-structured interviews and a survey submitted to 373 residents. The political instablity, the unfairness of national funding allocation across municipalities and the residents. lack of knowledge about risk assessment and emergency planning are ome of the main barriers to effective risk governance. Moreover, there are divergent, sometimes even opposite, stakeholders. views on several issues, such a the relevance of illegal development in risky areas. The results highlight the importance of addressing these divergent views and including the plurality f voices as a prerequisite for inclusive risk governance. The research provided essential background information for a participatory process, which was designed tosupport decisions on landslide risk mitigation measures in Nocera Inferiore (Linnerooth-Bayer et al. this issue). The methodology will be of more general intrest to researchers and policymakers intent upon including stakeholder perspectives in natural risk governance.