This chapter elaborates a multifactor approach to large-scale development programs. Any socioeconomic system should be considered as a complex multidimensional dynamic system with many more or less interrelated subsystems, a multilevel interlinkage structure, and a multipurpose behavior. Because of the limited natural, human, institutional, organizational, and technological resources, any real socioeconomic system has a limited potentiality, capability, and actuality of development. By actuality of development of a given socioeconomic system one understands development processes caused by a permanent system and institutional mechanisms of the subsystems. Development programs are by definition normatively oriented, and therefore expressed by norms strata such as needs, values, or goals. Variables in the norm stratum are interrelated. Needs are on the top of the norms stratum hierarchy and usually express basic needs, such as physical needs, security, quality of life, self-actualization. Values are more precise expressions derived from these basic needs such as environmental protection, health, energy, economic wealth, and freedom.