Energy itself is an industry and of an enormous magnitude, particularly in India because its major energy resource is coal, investment for which has to come from within India. The importance of the energy sector for the economy of India could be judged by the fact that 28.5% of the public sector investment allocations in the sixth five-year plan is expected to go to the energy sector. 21.3% is alotted to the power sector alone, which is the highest allocation to any sector, followed by the agriculture sector (25%), transport sector (15.7%), and the industries sector (15.3%), respectively. This contrasts with some other developing countries whose major energy resource is oil, often imported. Of course, payment for oil requires investment elsewhere in other sectors or trade of other primary goods. the Planning Commission of the Government of India set up a Working group on Energy Policy (WEP). The group consisted of representatives of various energy related organizations. This group prepared a report outlining the energy policy and energy required for India up to 2000 based on judgment and simple methods. The Planning Commission also set up an independent energy modeling exercise, salient features of which are described in this chapter.