The paper describes two nonlinear regression models, applied to winter daily SO2concentration data and to the corresponding meteorological data from the metropolitan area of Vienna. The first model accounts for the role of wind speed and temperature (a proxy for emissions due to residential heating) on average SO2 concentration in the area. The second regression has an additional wind direction input and tries to identify the contribution by the industrial emissions (located primarily near the south-eastern border of the area) to concentration in the most polluted subarea. Both models offer a satisfactory fitting performance (e.g. correlations around 0.85 between observed and regression values). However, since model validation is a critical point for regressions, sensitivity tests of model fitting performance are carried out by using various data sets for the estimation of regression coefficients. One of such tests points out that there is an “optimal length” of the data set to be used, namely neither a too short set nor a set including “long past” data offer a satisfactory fitting quality.