This issue of IIASA REPORTS describes the work of IIASA's Human Settlements and Services (HSS) area. The HSS Area is concerned with the dynamics of global population growth and distribution, the consequences of these dynamics for patterns of employment generation, resource consumption, and service demand, and the design of policies and programs that respond efficiently and equitably to such issues. The collection of research reports reviews and summarizes the Area's recent efforts to contribute to an "interdisciplinary" analysis of the problems and a "multidimensional" (systems) understanding of the strategic options available for coping with them. Reports presented comprise: -- J. Ledent, "Comparative Dynamics of Three Demographic Models of Urbanization;" -- H. Rempel, "Determinants of Rural-to-Urban Migration in Kenya;" -- C.W. Reynolds, "A Shift-Share Analysis of Regional and Sectoral Productivity Growth in Contemporary Mexico;" -- Z. Pawlowski, "A Demoeconometric Model of Poland and its Application to Counterfactual Simulations;" and -- U. Karlstrom, "Urbanization and Industrialization: Modeling Swedish Demoeconomic Development from 1870 to 1914."