This paper attempts to disentangle simultaneous demographic effects on divorce probabilities by means of age-period-cohort-type models. A multi-dimensional analysis of divorce probabilities in Finland between 1948 and 1984 is presented by period, marriage cohort, and duration, and for the year 1984 by age, age at marriage, and duration. Effects of order of marriage, number of children, and age of youngest child are also studied. Finland is one of the few countries in which such data are available from a population register. For the changes between 1948 and 1984, period effects turn out to be much more important for the increase in divorce than cohort effects. As regards period analysis for 1984, a quite surprising pattern appears: neither a specific duration of marriage (usually risk is highest at durations of between four and six years), nor a young age at marriage present the major risk factors, but young age itself. If this pattern were also to hold for other populations, it suggests the need for a major change in divorce analysis and registration of divorce data, giving less emphasis to duration or age at marriage, and more to age.