Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are gaining increasing importance and widespread acceptance as tools for decision support in land, infrastructure, resources, environmental management and spatial analysis, and in urban and regional development planning. GIS assist in the preparation, analysis, display, and management of geographical data. It is in the analysis and display functions that GIS meet Decision Support Systems (DSS). DSS analyse and support decisions through the formal analysis of alternative options, their attributes vis-a-vis evaluation criteria, goals or objectives, and constraints. DSS functions range from information retrieval and display, filtering and pattern recognition, extrapolation, inference and logical comparison, to complex modelling. The use of model-based information and DSS, and in particular of interactive simulation and optimization models that combine traditional modelling approaches with new expert systems techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI), dynamic computer graphics and geographical information systems, is demonstrated in this chapter with application examples from technological risk assessment, environmental impact analysis, and regional development planning. With the emphasis on an easy-to-understand visual problem representation, using largely symbolic interaction and dynamic images that support understanding and insight, these systems are designed to provide a rich and directly accessible information basis for decision support and planning.