Based on global harmonized data on educational attainment by age and sex estimated for the year 2010, the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital (IIASA, VID/ÖAW, WU) has reconstructed past levels of education back to 1970 and projected those levels until 2100 according to several scenarios (Lutz, Butz, and K.C. 2 014). This chapter will present a quantitative analysis of several indicators to show the overall development of education in Africa, and that of higher education in particular. This is achieved by anal yzing several indicators related to population shares by levels of education, mean years of schooling, the gender gap and the change across cohorts in the recent past. We will look at potential future changes and the linkages between population and development in higher education. Overall, and not surprisingly, Africa is very heterogeneous and the share of the working-age population with higher education is low. However, there has been an increase among younger cohorts and the gap between men and women has been closing in recent years. The projections show that fast population growth in many countries of the continent might bring about large increases in the size of the cohorts to be enrolled in post-secondary education in the future, implying substantial investments in the higher education sector.