The governments of Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia currently stand at a crossroads for new electricity pathways. While the deployment of renewable energies is receiving policy support across the region, fossil fuels—especially coal and natural gas—as well as nuclear power are prominent alternatives in the countries’ development plans. This crossroads offers a unique opportunity to provide scientifically sound information on how to expand future electricity generation capacities in ways that are sensitive to the myriad of development challenges while avoiding a lock-in of the power sector in unsustainable pathways. As electricity systems are not developed in isolation from society, but in a continuous interaction with social, economic, environmental, and political dimensions, this publication aims to develop a comprehensive database for the purpose of evaluating the complex trade-offs between different electricity generation technologies and sustainable development at the national and local level in Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia. By shedding light on the intersection between electricity generation technologies, sustainable development and society, the results of this publication are intended to complement previous research on energy systems—that either focused on singular aspects of sustainable development, techno–economic aspects of electricity systems or on selected electricity technologies—with the "societal element" in electricity planning. Taken up by policymakers, project developers, civil society organization and researchers, the database of this document is furthermore envisioned to help in paving the way towards an energy system that is not only reliable, affordable and accessible but also socially robust and that contributes to sustainable development in Morocco, Jordan and Tunisia.