Chapter 3 provides a discussion of key regional dimensions of, and developments in, migration. The discussion focuses on six world regions, namely Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Northern America and Oceania. For each of these regions, the analysis includes: 1) An overview and brief discussion of key population-related statistics; and 2)Succinct descriptions of “key features and developments” in migration in the region, based on a wide range of data, information and analyses, including from international organizations, researchers and analysts. Overall, the chapter points to important differences across regions and subregions, as well as growing complexities in migration dynamics around the world. These differences and complexities (some of which are specific to place and time, while others are relatively common across regions) raise important questions and challenges for supranational and global policymaking. For example, fundamental differences in migration experiences and dynamics across regions need to be considered when discussing desirable regimes for the global governance of international migration. Differences can also have implications for applying good practices and in ensuring that governance approaches are tailored to meet regional dimensions. Similarly, growing complexities in migration dynamics create direct challenges for national regulators and have important consequences for the most desirable forms of governance and cooperation across countries.