The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis is preparing a Handbook of Systems Analysis, which will appear in three volumes: Volume 1: Overview is aimed at a widely varied audience of producers and users of systems analysis studies. Volume 2: Methods is aimed at systems analysts and other members of systems analysis teams who need basic knowledge of methods in which they are not expert; this volume contains introductory overviews of such methods. Volume 3: Cases contains descriptions of actual systems analyses that illustrate the diversity of the contexts and methods of systems analysis. Drafts of the material for Volume 1 are being widely circulated for comment and suggested improvement. This Working Paper is the current draft of Chapter 4. Correspondence is invited. Volume 1 will consist of the following ten chapters: 1. The context, nature, and use of systems analysis 2. The genesis of applied systems analysis; 3. Examples of applied systems analysis 4. The methods of applied systems analysis: An introduction and overview 5. Formulating problems for systems analysis 6. Objectives, constraints, and alternatives 7. Predicting the consequences: Models and modeling 8. Guidance for decision 9. Implementation 10. The practice of applied systems analysis To these ten chapters will be added a glossary of systems analysis terms and a bibliography of basic works in the field.