Although Citizen Science (CS) has great potential to contribute to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (e.g. to define indicators, tracking and implement), determining scaling impacts remains a challenge. Moreover, comprehensive assessments that allow to systematically match outcomes with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and design for scale are not yet available, especially for agricultural CS projects. This study focused on developing and testing a rapid scaling toolkit that could help researchers and CS teams to define scaling ambitions that are sustainable and responsible. The study starts from a logical framework and integrates a tool for sustainable systems change at scale, as well as a sustainability assessment module. The toolkit was tested with academic experts for content, usability and preferred formats using a hypothetical case. It was found that the toolkit can inform and support decision making at early stages of a project, in contrast with current assessments completed at the end. The preferred formats selected include a web-based tool as well as workshops, aiming to bring together a rich diversity of views and information. Further development of the tool includes displaying it as a stand-alone website, and the validation with real cases both agricultural and non-agricultural. This exploratory study also highlights the benefits of combining disciplines, i.e. literature from agricultural research for development (and impact at scale) and CS projects contributing to the SDGs.