The first status report of the IIASA Study Project en Energy Systems is meant to give information about the present stage of the Energy Project. Its addressees are mainly the scholars and members of IIASA itself. But at the sane time this also allows for a somewhat broader dissemination of this information. Such a status report cannot be a brief substitute for the sum total of all information available. To obtain this more thorough and exhaustive information we must refer to the scientific papers that have been finished so far. The purpose of this status report is rather to present a profile of the Energy Project as a whole. This is important to note as it is not possible to deal with all conceivable aspects of energy systems -- the IIASA Energy Project is by far too small for such a parallel and broad approach. Instead, the various lines of attack are carefully selected in such a way as to serve as possible benchmarks within the scope of energy systems. It is then, of course, decisive to demonstrate the meaning and the interaction of these benchmarks. To contribute to this goal is another important aspect of this status report.