Air pollution is still one of the most severe problems in northern China, especially in the Jing-Jin-Ji region. In recent years, China has implemented many stringent policies to address this issue, including promoting energy transition towards cleaner fuels in residential sectors. But till 2020, even in the Jing-Jin-Ji region, nearly half of rural households still use solid fuels for heating. For residents who are not covered by the clean heating campaign, we propose five potential mitigation strategies and evaluate their environmental and health benefits and costs. We estimate that the clean fuel scenarios reduced more air pollution and premature mortality, while the scenario of biomass pellet and gasifier stoves has the highest value in terms of benefit ratio due to its relatively low-cost investment, making it a more feasible strategy. Moreover, adopting the largest emission reduction plan for non-residential sectors and residential sectors at the same time would lead to the maximal public health benefits, avoiding 19,000 premature deaths in 2030.