The dataset contains global, spatially gridded responses of energy use in four economic sectors (agriculture, industry, residential, and services) for three fuels (natural gas, petroleum products and electricity) by two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) and five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) for 21 Earth System Models. It also contains the R-scripts that are needed to generate the figures provided in the paper. The files RCP8(4).5_EnergyImpacts_HotCold_2050.csv contain the rawest model output at the most granular level. Other files contain aggregated output by sectors, fuels, and world regions (see "variable list for van Ruijven 2019 replication files.docx" for a full overview of the data files. There are two downloadable files. One containing the data files and one containing the scripts.