This report presents a framework for assessing physical disruption of critical infrastructure accessibility using an example of Greater Jakarta, a metro area of the Indonesian capital. The goal is to inform decision makers and general public on the community's social-physical vulnerability. The first pillar of the framework is damage quantification from the real major flood. Within this pillar, system states before and soon after the flood were compared. The results suggest that in a result of flood access to facilities for people has been significantly hindered, the transportation connectivity has distorted, and the system has become more vulnerable to compound attacks. Poverty is found to be associated negatively with surface elevation, which suggests that urbanisation of flood-prone areas has happened. The second pillar of the report is flood simulation. 140 simulations allow to identify places and clusters that are more vulnerable to floods. Finally, the report proposes a modified method for testing vulnerability of inhabitants' access to services, which is based on percolation technique. The whole framework could be applied to other cities and urban areas and adjusted to account for other disasters that physically affect urban infrastructure. Most importantly, this work has demonstrated feasibility of damage quantification and vulnerability assessment with sole reliance on open publicly available data and tools. Satellite data of flood occurence timely shared by space agencies will allow rapid ex-post examination of social-physical consequences of a disaster. This framework will save resources as the analysis can be run by a single person. Ex-ante vulnerability assessment will help communities, urban planners, and emergency personnel better prepare for the future shocks.