NCLIM-19122723 Introduction This branch provides the code and data of the paper NCLIM-19122723. The name of this branch is NCLIM-19122723, under the respositories. You can share it use: The results in this study is run with OSCAR v2.2. These codes need to run under Python 2.x environment. In addition, you need to download the numpy package and the scipy package, they are both very common python packages. Now, the latest version is developed in Python 3.7. Run the codes The simulation code and plotting code are in a folder named 'scricpts'. Copy them to the root folder with Just run them with And plot the results with Note, however, that this is a Monte Carlo simulation. So please choose the number of simulations that are right for you. Less simulations spend less time, which is good for test and debug. More simulations lead to reliable results. Contact If you are interested in our study, you can contact our corresponding author via e-mail ( Write an issue via Github is also OK. We welcome discussions.