The harmonized data on peatlands of Indonesia, version 0.1, for the bio-physical modelling in Indonesia. Primary purpose of the dataset was to provide bio-physical models (EPIC-IIASA, G4M, and WaNuLCAS) with consistent input data on peat and mineral soil distribution in Indonesia and with the peat parameters necessary for proper representation of peat hydrology in simulations. The harmonized peatland dataset for Indonesia is closely linked to the spatial simulation infrastructure for Indonesia v.0.1 (the IND_SimU_v01 dataset) providing further and more specific description of the spatial simulation units – SimU. The harmonized peatland dataset is a result of i) the spatial harmonization between the Harmonized World Soil Dataset (HWSD v1.1) and National Peatland Atlas of Indonesia data which provided consistent coverage indicating presence and proportion of mineral soils and peat for each SimU, and enabled for linking appropriate soil hydro-physical data based on identified mineral soil and peat types, and ii) adoption of measured soil water retention characteristics for estimated peat profiles which in simulations will represent peat types identified for Indonesia. Level of simplification in this current version of dataset (v.0.1), where only country-average was taken to represent the soil organic carbon content for the three peat maturity classes, does not allow for any regional quantification of total soil organic carbon stock. The data can only be used with the bio-physical models to estimate nutrient pools and/or relative soil organic carbon dynamics (monthly, yearly) due to climate change or land use or both. The Harmonized peatland dataset for Indonesia (v.0.1) consist of three separate data tables. The data is available as a MS Excel file (IND_PeatDataset_v01.xls). The data on peat is organized within three separate sheets (SimU_PeatType_Map, PeatType_Def, and PeatType_EstProf), with table descriptors (object metadata) for each data table in separate sheets. The peat data can be displayed geographically via the SimUID identification linking it to polygon/point coverages of SimU (the IND_SimU_v01 dataset, The details of the dataset creation procedures are described in the separate document (