[1] The spatially explicit modelled water table depth data (WTBL, in m) were produced for a total of ten waterlogging intensity scenarios (WetScen) in Indonesian peatlands using the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate-based modelling framework EPIC-IIASA. The WetScen scenarios 1 to 10 represent a gradient from water-logged to deeply drained soils. The dataset provides monthly WTBL series simulated between 2001 and 2010 at 0.25×0.25 arc-deg spatial resolution across all Indonesia peatland soils (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6997968). This data brings harmonized groundwater regime data in large-scale agricultural modelling to allow assessing the impact of peatland rewetting on rice productivity in Indonesia. These data were prepared as a part of the RESTORE+ project, separately for two rice growing seasons (seasons 1 and 2) and rice double-cropping on mineral (miner) and shallow peat soils (peat) with a depth of less than 1 m. [2] The spatially explicit datasets of annual rice yield (YLDG in tDM/ha) and monthly root zone soil water content (RZSW, in mm) were simulated at 0.25×0.25° spatial resolution following the waterlogging scenarios described above. The datasets explore (a) two nutrient management, namely the good agricultural practice (GAP) and management that was back-calibrated against statistically reported regional yields (BackCalc), (b) two rice seasons (season 1 and 2) plus a double-cropping system, and (c) ten waterlogging scenarios (WetScen) in all peatland grids with soils suitable for rice production, i.e., all mineral soils (miner) and soils with the shallow peat material (peat). The simulations were carried out from 2001 to 2010, consistently with the scenario data and modelling framework described above. This database was created as a part of the RESTORE+ project. The details are described in a separate document (see https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7355835).