The concept discussed in this report rests on the premise that the conventional system fails to meet the needs for rapid exchange of the results of research and development in certain areas of applied science and technology: conventional publication involves several handlings of the material, is labour intensive and is therefore slow and expensive. The paper suggests that significant improvements could be made by the use of compatible text-editing systems by authors, referees and publishers, interconnected over computer networks. By creating a master digital record at the outset, many new output options are possible in addition to the conventional journal or report. Examples are new forms of current awareness publications, in the shape of personalized journals and the like, and immediate information retrieval techniques leading to delivery of full texts via the network. To pass full texts through the network will require the use of high-capacity satellite telecommunications, employing small Earth stations. Finally, it is suggested that a programme of studies should be carried out in association with actual experiments using the European Space Agency's Orbital Test Satellite.