IIASA team has created a new validation data set, which is completely independent from all other existing maps or reference data sets, and which is in line with the cropland definitions and mapping period of the WorldCereal products. To decide if this is an active cropland in each period, the experts looked at very high-resolution Google historical imagery and Google Street level images, Microsoft Bing images, ESRI imagery, Planet historical data, Sentinel-2 time series, and Modis NDVI time series. The experts were asked to label 5 by 5 Sentinel pixels (each pixel 10m by 10m) either as winter crops, or as summer crops, or as maize (if this was possible), or as active crops (where it was not possible to confirm a growing season, e.g. overlap between seasons was too big or crop fields were too small in size), or as no crops, or as not sure where was too little information available for 2021. There was additional question on irrigation system, either circle, or other irrigation, or rainfed, or not sure.