Non-native tree species – defined as those species intentionally or unintentionally introduced by humans – have longbeen a part of the Alpine Space, providing numerous benefits, but also posing a potential threat to native biodiversityand related ecosystem services. Compared to the urban space where non-native trees comprise most tree species,the number of non-native trees in forests and plantations is relatively low. To evaluate potential risks and benefits ofnon-native trees in the Alpine Space, a transnational strategy for the responsible use and management of non-nativetrees is needed. The goals of the strategy are to tailor management practices for a sustainable and responsible useor admixture of non-native trees, to reduce the risks connected with the invasive potential of some non-native treespecies, to help forests and urban areas to adapt to climate change, and to improve coordination and cooperationregarding best practices between different regions of the Alpine Space. A proposal was developed in a four-stepprocess including expert-based assessment, stakeholder mapping, an extensive data review, and a public consulta-tion. For implementing the strategy fully, strong collaboration among diverse stakeholders is anticipated and robustgovernance and an adequate long-term and fair funding scheme is needed.