Carbon sequestration and conservation is one of the important ecosystem functions of the forest. The task of modern science is to explore the possibilities of enhancing this function in order to counter the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Sustainable and climate smart forestry, in particular the use of mineral fertilizers, are an effective way to increase the productivity of forests and enhance their carbon-sequestration capacity. This review aims to summarize the experience of using mineral fertilizers in boreal and temperate forests. It is concluded that fertilization should be selective, and it is most effective in combination with other forest management operations. A significant effect is observed on sites with medium-productivity conditions on sites with sufficient, but not excessive moisture, at the age of the maximum current increment of biomass or commercial wood (40–70 years for coniferous species). The most common (inexpensive, but effective) are N-fertilizers, but it is necessary to control the content of other nutrients, in particular P, Kand B. We have collected and published a database of long-term experiments on the application of mineral fertilizers. Experiments have shown that the absorption of 1 t of CO2-eq. requires from 5.6 to 10.3 kg (on average 7.2) of nitrogen. The results of a fertilizer application project should be compared against the baseline(without fertilizer application), and the difference can be counted in emission reduction units.