Scenario variables related to LULUCF emissions and removals in IPCC-assessed scenarios from AR6 calculated using OSCAR. Both direct fluxes, corresponding to model-reporting conventions, and indirect fluxes, which constitute an alignment factor to national inventories, are provided. See the original publication for more details ( log from version 1AR6 Reanalysis\textbarOSCARv3.2\textbarEmissions\textbarCO2\textbarAFOLU and AR6 Reanalysis\textbarOSCARv3.2\textbarCarbon Removal\textbarLand are removed, users should explicitly calculate if needed but otherwise use direct and indirect fluxes.AR6 Reanalysis\textbarOSCARv3.2\textbarCarbon Removal is now calculated only using the direct flux component (i.e., AR6 Reanalysis\textbarOSCARv3.2\textbarCarbon Removal\textbarLand\textbarDirect)