This repository contains 30-year (climatological) averages (1975-2004) from 8 global water models, following the ISIMIP 2b protocol: CLM4.5, CWatM, H08, JULES-W1, LPJmL, MATSIRO, PCR-GLOBWB, and WaterGAP2. Variables included are precipitation (pr), temperature (tas), minimum temperature (tasmin), maximum temperature (tasmax), downwelling shortwave radiation (rsds), downwelling longwave radiation (rlds), net radiation (netrad), potential evapotranspiration (potevap), actual evapotranspiration (evap), groundwater recharge (qr), and total runoff (qtot). For details see domains.csv contains different definitions of the domains used in the paper (wet warm, wet cold, dry cold, dry warm). days_below_x.csv contains the average fraction of days where the temperature is below x °C.