This dataset was created by using a new IIASA tool, called “Street Imagery validation” ( where users could check street level images (e.g., Google Street Level images, Mapillary etc.) and identify the crop type where it is possible. The advantage of this tool is that there are plenty of georeferenced images with dates, going back in time. The disadvantage is that users need to check plenty of images where only few will clearly show cropland fields that are mature enough to be identified. To make the data collection more efficient, we provided our experts with preliminary maps of points in agricultural areas where street level images are available for the year 2021. Then, the experts checked those locations in an opportunistic way. The dataset is completely independent from all the existing maps and the reference datasets. There are 3 main data records uploaded: – an archive with a shapefile containing all the collected polygons with crop type information. Not all the polygons correspond to actual field boundaries. sv_croptype_validations.csv – a table with crop type observations with centroid coordinates in WGS84 sv_worldcereal_validation.csv – a table with a subset of crop type observations used in validation of WorldCereal crop type maps for 2021. Fields: "id" – unique observation identifier; "imgSource" – source of imagery used for visual inspection; "imgLoc" – image location; "svImgDate" – image date; "imageIdKey" – image unique identifier; "submitedAt" – date of submission of crop type observation; "cropType" - crop type observation; "irrType" – irrigation type; "x", "y" – centroids of submitted polygons in WGS84.