In order to assess user and policy needs related to biodiversity monitoring and data, the EuropaBON project invited national experts to fill in this survey in August 2021. The survey was tailored to the national level and aimed at identifying current monitoring efforts, data flows from collection to reporting, data uptake by policymaking, challenges and roadblocks, as well as biodiversity variables and indicators for a desirable future. On behalf of the European Commission (DG Environment) and EuropaBON, the surveys were sent out to all national focal points of the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) as well as key national agencies. Eionet is a partnership network of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and its 38 member and cooperating countries to gather and develop data, knowledge, and advice to policy makers about Europe's environment. The results of our surveys form the basis for the analysis of the EuropaBON User and Policy Needs Assessment (DOI) and inform the design of the Europa Biodiversity Observation Network and its work programme. We published the original responses of survey sections A and B in the annex of the User and Policy Needs Assessment. Responses of section C were synthesised in the assessment.