The Government of Indonesia and FAO have recognized the need for thorough analysis and modelling of Indonesia’s food systems to support food systems transformation efforts in the country. This is needed to provide a better understanding of the governance context in food systems, including the political economy dynamics influencing performance, as well as to identify synergies and trade-offs across different policy goals and optimal policy mixes for achieving multiple policy objectives. In this regard, FAO facilitated a project to pilot an innovative approach to modelling for food systems transformation. This modelling approach was developed and implemented by a team of researchers from IFPRI, IIASA, IISD and Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. It makes use of three different economic models to generate insights that can assist Indonesian policymakers in developing technically sound and politically feasible policy interventions for food systems transformation. This report provides context for food systems transformation in Indonesia and describes the overall modelling approach before synthesizing the results of the individual modelling activities and distilling these into the overall findings of the modelling. It concludes with implications from these findings for policymaking for food systems transformation in Indonesia and some suggestions for next steps. The results of this modelling and the insights drawn from these results are expected to support efforts to translate Indonesia’s commitments on food systems transformation into concrete policy interventions and to inform medium- and long-term development planning by the Indonesian Government.