This dataset contains eight scenarios of future global mercury emissions from the base year 2015 to 2050, generated using the GAINS Global model ( File types and abbreviations, as well as scenario descriptions are found  in "2024_ACP_Brocza-etal_Legend.xlsx" Types of files: em_data_hgpaper_*SCEN* Hg emissions data by year & region, aggregated hg_ef_data_hgpaper_*SCEN* Ranges of emission factors in aggregated regions and sectors hg_spec_data_hgpaper_*SCEN* Speciated Hg emissions in aggregated regions and sectors Level of detail: Data are aggregated into 15 regions: Global, Africa, Asia_Pacific (+ sub-regions China, India, Japan, Southeast_Asia), Central_and_South_America (+ Brazil), Eurasia (+ Russia), Europe (+EU27), Middle_East, North_America (+USA).   The corresponding manuscript titled "Global scenarios of anthropogenic mercury emissions" has been submitted.