This repository contains the input and output files of the EMEP model related to the article "Impact of methane and other precursor emission reductions on surface ozone in Europe: Scenario analysis using the EMEP MSC-W model" submitted to ACP. The folder Python_scripts includes the .py files used to generate the MAGICC7 model input files and simulation results, as well as the files used to create the figures in both the manuscript and supplementary information. For users, the paths in these scripts will have to be adjusted to point to the data files included in the EMEP_output folder. The latter folder contains the 5-year average scenario simulations as discussed in the main body of the text, as well as the ozone sensitivity to methane concentrations. The EMEP_input folder contains the IIASA scenario emission files for the baseline, 2050 CLE, 2050 MFR, and 2050 LOW scenarios, including separate international shipping files. The regional 0.1 by 0.1 degree emission files are a combination of IIASA files for EECCA countries and EMEP reported emissions scaled by the included 'femis' files. The EMEP model code and reported emissions are available from the open-source release, available here: