CEDS v_2024_10_21 Release Gridded Emissions Data 0.5 degree This Zenodo data entry is a documentation placeholder for the CEDS v_2024_10_21 0.5 degree gridded data released via ESGF. ************* Errors were found in some of this data. Those files have been redacted from ESGF and replaced with corrected files labeled CEDS v_2024_11_25. Air emissions for all species, NMVOC bulk emissions, and supplementary speciated VOCs from this version are still up to date and available on ESGF. ************* This data is derived from CEDS v_2024_07_08 aggregate emissions release, which includes emissions data files by emission species (SO2, NOx, BC, OC, NH3, NMVOC,  CO, CO2, CH4, N2O), country, and sector produced by the July-08-2024 release of CEDS and released here:https://zenodo.org/records/12803197  This data set can be accessed via ESGF, for detailed instructions on how to access and download, as well as data notes, see the README file attached. See the CEDS GitHub site for details including journal paper reference information and any known issues with this data:https://github.com/JGCRI/CEDS