This paper presents a further application of DRAM, which was developed at IIASA to help health care planners in analyzing and evaluating resource allocation decisions. This time an effort has been made to calibrate DRAM for in-patient hospital care in Poland. The parameterization procedures have been performed for eight patient categories (child surgery, general medicine, general surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, traumatic and orthopaedic surgery, and paediatrics) and three resource types (hospital beds, hospital doctors, and hospital nurses). The data set consists of 22 administrative regions in 1969. The ability with which the submodels were able to reproduce the actual allocations varied from one treatment category to another. (Six submodels were used: 3 one-resource, 2 two-resource, and 1 three-resource submodels.) Thus following the critical analysis in section 4.11, the three patient categories (general medicine, general surgery, and obstetrics and gynaecology) that appeared to reproduce the allocation patterns most successfully were chosen. The reevaluated DRAM for reduced number of categories and for two resources -- hospital beds and hospital doctors -- was then used to predict resource allocations in some regions.