This concept for research on problems of innovation management of electrotechnical firms emerged from two ideas, the cores of which cut close to those set forth in the research proposal. One of these was to spread the interest over several sectors that differ in the character of their development. Electrotechnology, a notion yet to be widely accepted, and used here to denote an industrial branch producing products for electro-engineering (power engineering, consumer goods produced with basically the same technology, etc.), is considered a mature industry with a steady and relatively stable growth. Determining what role innovation has played in this development and what problems it gives rise to promises to be a challenging task. The second idea was that in several countries similar but uncoordinated studies are underway and that in fact similar structures can be observed. The object of the study-in this case an electrotechnical company-is being studied by an external research institute, through close collaboration of course. Data on gross production and value added in this branch show similar trends in many countries, although there are differences in external factors, such as processes of capital formation. The many similarities in the organization and structure of production processes could be useful in preparing a more reliable view of future development of this industrial branch. Electrotechnology will not be able to escape the effects of computer-aided design, robots and flexible manufacturing systems, power semi-conductors, new materials, better testing methods, and of course changing price structures. This concept will also serve as a blueprint at the first task force meeting in Leningrad where through discussion it will be possible to order the individual issues according to participants' priorities.