During recent years mathematical modeling has been extensively deployed within the IIASA energy research activities. The shift in the Energy Project's activities from predominantly global energy demand and supply considerations toward more regional and local ones called for greater detail in the representation of the energy system compared to the models used within the scope of "Energy in a Finite World" (W. Haefele et al., Ballinger Publishing Company, 1981). Furthermore, the statistical data base has improved considerably over recent years which allowed for a comprehensive representation of the entire energy chain from resource extraction to end-use conversion. The change in the scope of the Energy Group's activities and the improved statistical data availability motivated the development of the MESSAGE-II energy model. The point of departure was the original MESSAGE model of IIASA's global energy study. Like its predecessor, MESSAGE-II was conceptualized for the transformation of dynamic linear programming problems into matrix structures. But apart from primary to secondary energy conversion, the main feature of the original model, this new code also depicts energy extraction, transport, distribution and end-use conversion. In addition, MESSAGE-II hosts features such as integer programming, non-linear objectives and the possibility of multi-objective optimization. The optimization of a MESSGAE-II coded problem requires a linear program solving package, e.g. MINOS, APEX, MPSX, etc. Part I of this report provides the descriptions of both, the mathematical formulation and a guide for the code implementation and specification of input files necessary for the potential user to understand and apply this code. Part II contains a complete example of a MESSAGE-II code application including input files, etc. The actual use of MESSAGE-II may benefit from another publication that is closely related to this report. The "User's Guide for the Post-Processor of MESSAGE-II" (WP-84-72) entails convenient pre- and post-calculating procedures, report writing and plotting routines, etc. tailored particularly to interact with MESSAGE-II. The examples used in the post-processor guide correspond to the examples given in the user's guide for the matrix generator.