During the past few years there has been an enormous rise in both public and political interest in the potential use of solar energy for production of mechanical energy, heat, electricity and synthetic fuels. As an energy source it has the advantages of being non-depletable and accessible in the same form forever. It is very widely distributed and not subject to embargo, and is of very high thermodynamic quality. (With attainable concentration techniques heat can be generated at temperatures close to the surface temperature of the sun.) Moreover its use would appear to bypass some of the problems associated with the combustion of fossil fuels and the use of nuclear fuels. If the solar option is to be a real, long-term, global primary energy source for the activities of man, the potential structure and impact of systems with an aggregate size in the million square kilometer range will have to be seriously examined. In this paper I will briefly explore some of the issues which may arise when considering the potential role of solar energy conversion options for central Europe in general, and for the Federal Republic of Germany in particular. My remarks here are a prelude to the work which we anticipate carrying out over the coming 12 months and are therefore preliminary rather than representative of a completed study.