Many of today's most significant socioeconomic problems, such as slower economic growth, the decline of some established industries, and shifts in patterns of foreign trade, are interor transnational in nature, so that intercountry comparative analyses of recent historical developments are necessary. The understanding of these processes and future prospects provides the focus for IIASA's project on Comparative Analysis of Economic Structure and Growth. Our research concentrates primarily on the empirical analysis of interregional and intertemporal economic structural change, on the sources of and constraints on economic growth, on problems of adaptation to sudden changes, and especially on problems arising from changing patterns of international trade, resource availability, and technology. Input-output techniques are mature techniques, but still important means of an analysis of structural changes. In this paper P. Karasz gives a short overview of the Czechoslovakian I/O model built in general in such a way that it may be used for analytical purposes as well as for being linked to a set of INFORUM-type models.