The research and development project described in this status report is a collaborative project between IIASA and the Tate Science and Technology Commission of the People's Republic of China (SSTCC). The project objective is to build a computer-based information and decision support system, using expert systems technology, for regional development planning in Shanxi, a coal-rich province in northwestern China. Building on IIASA's experience in applied systems analysis, the project develops and implements a new generation of computer-based tools, integrating classical approaches of operations research and applied systems analysis with new developments in computer technology and artificial intelligence (AI) into an integrated hybrid system, designed for direct practical application. To provide the required information, several databases, simulation and optimization models, and decision support tools have been integrated. This information is presented in a form directly useful to planners and decision makers. The system is therefore structured along concepts of expert systems technology, includes several AI components, and features an easy-to-use color graphics user interface. The study is being carried out with intensive collaboration between IIASA, and Chinese academic, industrial, and governmental institutions, especially the regional government of Shanxi Province. The report describes the status of the project after one year of research, summarizing the problem area, the design principles of the software and the current status of prototype implementations.