At the December 1974 Conference on National Settlement Systems and Strategies held here at IIASA, I rather casually asked Dr. S.M. Komorowski whether it would be possible to get some hitherto unpublished inter-regional migration data from his country. Poland's system of voivodships and major cities, plus the civil necessity of registering address changes, meant that somewhere there had to be what by Western standards would be a rather complete and elaborate system of migration statistics. To my knowledge, the Eastern European countries, Japan, and Sweden are among the few countries whose population flow statistics might permit a level of hypothesis testing and model calibration well beyond that which is normally possible. Dr. Komorowski said he'd see what could be done; Dr. Ross MacKinnon gave him a note specifying in some detail what, ideally, we'd like, and six months later came the letter from Prof. Zawadzki and the data which appear in these pages. With their permission we are pleased to publish these highly interesting data for the use of interested scholars in the IIASA community.