During 1988, the IIASA Risk Task Force invited a group of experts to form a collaborating network for a study on national and international responses to the accident at Chernobyl. This study dealt with responses of society to traumatic events which are able to change social structures for an extended time period. Specific issues included were: HOW do authorities react, what is the role and behavior of the media system, what are the decision making structures, how do international coordination systems function. The documentation of this activity will be published by a commercial publisher. 

During this work a need arose to broaden IIASA's exposure to opinions and results from experts in the field of risk research. For this reason a Conference on "Policy Responses to Large Accidents" was held at IIASA from 16-17 January, 1989. The papers presented at this conference have been compiled into this volume. They are included as delivered by the authors without additional editing.