This volume presents the proceedings of the second international workshop held at IIASA in October 1993 assessing the current state of integrated assessments. Numerous models and less formalized approaches analyze anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas emissions, their concentrations in the atmosphere, the resulting climate forcing, impacts of the induced climate change on the economy and other human activities, as well as possible mitigation and adaptation strategies. Studies that include all or several of these salient aspects of the climate change problematique are known as integrative assessments. The number of such studies is increasing, highlighting the need for consistent analytic frameworks and comparative analyses. This volume reviews the current practice of integrative assessments, directions for improvement and further research, and implications for climate change policies. The workshop covered issues such as the role of science, integrated assessment, impacts and benefits, mitigation and adaptation, intergenerational assessments, and the role of technology. The volume includes the original papers presented at the workshop.