The purpose of this paper is to investigate recent Soviet responses to perceived population problems within the USSR. Such responses can, in effect, be construed as official Soviet population policy, whether identified as such by the Soviet government or not. The demographic problems to which these responses or policy decisions are aimed are divided into two broad categories: 1) the national or aggregate problems, and 2) spatial or regional problems. These population problems have become acute, particularly the regional problems, and the debate and discussion in the scholarly journals, the press, and other media indicate that population policies are undergoing close scrutiny with a view to reformulation. This paper, then, is divided into three parts: 1) a brief discussion of the definition of population policy and its interpretation in the Soviet context; 2) a review of recent population trends and resultant problems in the Soviet Union; and, finally, 3) an identification of the major policy instruments currently in force to ameliorate or solve these problems. The primary focus is, however, on this last section.